
who i am

About Tina

Why I learn’t alternative medicines

It was 25 years ago that I discovered nature’s healing potency. It was a spontaneous act to search for alternative healthcare after realising our healthcare provider could not give me what I needed to heal.

I will never forget feeling so helpless and let down. But then something happened; I heard my inner voice say, I will find another way.

Magic literally happened: Within hours or days, the heavens opened up, and literature began to fall into my hands. I followed the guidance in the books, and I suddenly felt empowered!

With so much life force moving through me, I eventually gave up my day job and all the money that came with it, and I followed my passion to train as a chef and work on farms. I was living my best life yet!

After many years, my curiosity to heal deeper was churning inside of me. Then, again a life experience pushed me to go deeper into my calling. I went to university for 4 years in London to study Ayurveda. I gained my clinic training in hospitals and clinics in India. Some Years later, I returned to university to complete my master’s degree.

I spent another four years in India, immersed in Ayurveda and embracing the potent spiritual atmosphere, mystical experiences, and philosophies.

Then, I began studying and graduating as a Pranayama teacher with world-renowned Yogis. This practice is deeply healing and continuously opens and supports me to see with greater clarity.

Personal life

I was born and raised in Liverpool. At the age of 19, I fled the nest and lived on the beautiful island of Jersey for 30 years.

Now, I am moving between my hometown, Jersey and India. My life is kind of quiet, but I love conversations that make me feel good. Being in nature and doing things that make me vibrate higher so I can feel good about myself, is how I like to live.


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I am a member of the Ayurvedic Professional Association (APA)